Collaborative and meaningful engagement in hybrid learning: Post-pandemic narrative ethnography

Fitri Agustin, Pupung Purnawarman, Fazri Nur Yusuf


Given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions have to adapt to a new approach to enable students to engage in remote learning. To ensure a seamless learning experience for students, educational institutions have been adopting a blended or hybrid learning approach. This narrative ethnography explores the dynamics of student engagement within the context of hybrid learning, unveiling a post-pandemic educational landscape. By synthesizing qualitative data in the form of personal stories, this study aims to provide educators, administrators, and policymakers with valuable insights to enhance the quality and inclusivity of hybrid learning experiences in the aftermath of the global pandemic, shedding light on the strategies that foster effective student engagement in a hybrid learning environment.   The findings demonstrate that cognitive, social, and emotional engagement in hybrid learning involves collaborative teaching and learning processes necessitating active cooperation between students and teachers to acquire knowledge.  In light of the emerging sociocultural dynamics associated with hybrid learning, teachers should be present and embody the desired behavioural patterns for their students. This current study recommends teachers actively collaborate and establish meaningful connections between the subject matter and real-world contexts, issues, and scenarios serving as a model for students’ behaviour.


classroom challenges; hybrid learning; students’ engagement

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