Arif Senoaji, S.B. Soeryamassoeka, Danang Gunarto


Flood is a seasonal threat that occurs when a body of water overflows from the existing channel and inundates the surrounding area. In the last three years, Singkawang City has experienced frequent floods. Although they did not cause casualties, the floods caused much harm to the surrounding community, such as educational and office activities that could not run normally. To reduce the impact of the flood disaster in Singkawang City, a complete and integrated flood control and management effort is needed, which maps flood-prone areas in its initial stage. This research aims to provide information about the characteristics of the tides and the level of vulnerability to flooding caused by the influence of the tides in Singkawang City in the form of a zoning map.

In this research, the parameters used are the distance from the beach, river buffer, land slope, land elevation, and land cover. Then, flood-prone areas can be mapped using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the weight overlay method.

This research shows that in Singkawang City, the area considered safe from flooding is 24048.449 Ha or 43.947%. Areas classified as not vulnerable have an area of 19938.498 Ha or 36.436%. Areas classified as vulnerable have an area of 9068.206 Ha or 16.571%. Meanwhile, areas classified as very vulnerable have an area of 1666.860 Ha or only 3.046%.



Flood vulnerability mapping, Singkawang City Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Tidal influence Flood risk assessment

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