Susilawati F34210433, Zainuddin ., Sukmawati .


Abstrak : Guru yang mengajar di SD Negeri 15 Segedong Kabupaten Bengkayang di dapati hasil belajar siswa, khususnya pelajaran Matematika belum mencapai maksimal, yaitu dengan melihat rendahnya kemampuan kognitif terhadap pelajaran Matematika. Masalah yang akan diteliti adalah bagaimana guru Menggunakan Media Tabel Perkalian Dalam Pembelajaran Operasi Hitung Perkalian Di Kelas III SD. Sehubungan dengan masalah yang akan diteliti maka tindakan yang dilakukan peneliti berdasarkan prosedur tindakan kelas ini meliputi tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan tindakan, tahap pengamatan, dan tahap refleksi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode deskripstif, bentuk penelitian observasi langsung alat pengumpul data intrumen tes. Teknik penyajian data hasil penelitian berupa tabel dan analisis data untuk mencari skor. Pada siklus I kemampuan guru merencanakan pembelajaran mencapai 13,1 (rata-rata 2,62). Siklus II 15,5 (rata-rata 3,10; kategori cukup memuaskan). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan media tabel perkalian dapat meningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas III SD Negeri 15 Segedong Kabupaten Bengkayang.

Kata Kunci : Hasil belajar media tabel matematika

Abstract : teachers who teach in primary schools in 15 Segedong Bengkayang dapati student learning outcomes, especially maths has not reached the maximum, ie with low cognitive ability to see the math.
Issues that will be examined is how teachers use the Multiplication Table Learning Media Count Operation Multiplication In Class III SD.
In relation to the matter to be investigated the action taken by the researchers of this class action procedures include the planning phase, the implementation phase of action, observation stage, and the stage of reflection. The research method used deskripstif methods, forms of action research on direct observation. Data collection tool instrument test. Engineering presentation of research data in the form of tables and data analysis to find the score. In the first cycle teachers plan learning ability achieving 13.1 (average 2.62). Cycle II 15.5 (median 3.10; categories was satisfactory) it shows that by using the media to increase the multiplication tables learning outcomes Elementary School third grade students 15 Segedong Bengkayang. Therefore, it needs to be applied as a good learning, which can sharpen thinking and psychomotor skills of students, as well as develop a sense of solidarity and effective cooperation.

Key Word : learning outcomes of mathematical table

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