Sudarto (F11408048), Firman Susilo, Amriani Amir


Penelitian tentang Kesinoniman Nomina Noninsani dalam BSDD bertujuan mendeskripsikan kesinoniman nomina noinsani BSDD. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian kualitatif. Dari hasil deskripsi dalam satu kolokasi makna diperoleh leksem-leksem yang mempunyai makna sama. Dari hasil substitusi diperoleh bahwa leksem kesinoniman nomina noninsani dalam BSDD yang berada dalam satu kolokasi makna dapat saling menggantikan dalam konteks kalimat yang sama. Dari analisis komponen makna, sifat hubungan kesinoniman nomina noninsani dalam BSDD dapat terlihat dengan memperhatikan komponen makna tiap-tiap pasangan leksem yang bersinonim. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesinoniman nomina noninsani dalam BSDD dapat dikaji dari tiga sudut kesinoniman, yaitu berdasarkan deskripsi, subtitusi dan analisis komponen makna leksem kesinoniman nomina noninsani.

Kata kunci: kesinoniman, nomina, noninsani

Abstract: The Research about of Inanimate Nouns Synonymy BSDD aims to describe of inanimate nouns BSDD. The method that has to be use is descriptive method with the form of research is qualitative. From the description in the collocation of ??meaning-leksem obtained leksem that have the same meaning. From the results obtained that leksem synonymy substitution of inanimate nouns in the BSDD within the collocation meaning of the region are interchangeable in the context of the same sentence. From the analysis of the components of meaning, the nature of inanimate relationships in the BSDD nouns synonymy can be seen by considering the meaning of the components of each pair leksem synonymous. Based on the results of this study concluded that the BSDD of inanimate nouns synonymy can be studied from three angles synonymy, which is based on the description, substitution, and analysis of the components of inanimate nouns meaning leksem synonymy.

Keywords: synonymy, nouns, inanimate

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