Muhammad Shalihin, H.M. Asrori,, Wahyudi .


Penggunaan Reinforcement Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional Guru di SMAN 1 Mempawah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi yang obyektif mengenai penggunaan reinforcement kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru. Pendekatan penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Data diperoleh peneliti dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisa data melalui reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Keabsahan data dilakukan melalui tringulasi sumber data, metode dan waktu. Hasil analisa data, ditemukan tentang: Gambaran kompetensi profesional guru dalam penguasaan materi, struktur, konsep dan keilmuan yang mendukung mata pelajaran yang diampu. Penggunaan reinforcement kepala sekolah berupa reinforcement positif dan reinforcement negatif dalam bentuk sikap, tindakan maupun berbagai kegiatan yang mendorong meningkatnya kompetensi profesional guru. Penggunaan reinforcement dengan cara klasikal, individual, pemberian tugas, penghargaan dan berbagai kegiatan. Persepsi guru tentang penggunaan reinforcement kepala sekolah dan fungsinya dalam mengembangkan kinerja dan kompetensi profesional guru.

Kata Kunci : Penggunaan Reinforcement, Kepala Sekolah, Kompetensi Profesional, Guru.

Abstract: The use of reinforcement headmaster in Improving Teachers' Professional Competence in SMAN 1 Mempawah. The research objective to obtain objective information about the use of the headmaster reinforcement in improving the professional competence of teachers. The research approach is qualitative with this type of case studies. Data obtained by the researchers by means of interview, observation and documentation. Analysis of data through data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The validity of data is done through tringulasi data sources, methods and timing. The results of the data analysis, it was found on: description of the professional competence of teachers in the mastery of the material, the structure, and the science that supports the concept of the subject matter. The use of headmaster reinforcement in the form of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement in the form of attitudes, actions and activities aimed at increasing the professional competence of teachers. The use of reinforcement by way of traditional, individual, giving assignments, awards and activities. Teachers' perceptions about the use of reinforcement headmasters and functions in developing performance and professional competence of teachers.

Key words: The use of reinforcement, Headmaster, Professional Competence, Teacher.

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