HARNI B11108184


The potentiality of zakah in Indonesia is very huge, so then if it is developed properly, it could contribute positively to the economy. To support the development, it needs a management of zakah as an integration of various elements to achieve that objective. A part of zakah management that has important role is marketing. One thing becomes the objective of this research is to describe What are the marketing strategies of Lembaga Amil Zakat Dompet Ummat Pontianak in conducting the collection of fund from donator of zakah, infaq, and shadaqah.

This bachelor thesis is entitled Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Lembaga Amil Zakat Dompet Ummat in Pontianak. The data analysis method used within this research is qualitative. Data is obtained through interviews toward the Director, General Manager, and the employees working in LAZ Dompet Ummat, two people of donators, two people of the community members havent donate yet to the LAZ Dompet Ummat, and two recipient of the LAZ Dompet Ummat, through the documentation, and portraits of activities of LAZ Dompet Ummat.

The result of this research is the analysis of Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning, and Marketing Mix: Product, Promotion, Process, People, Physical Evidence, Policy, and Partnership, conducted by LAZ Dompet Ummat. The product strategy is conducted by diversifying the service offered to donator candidates and donator, so that there will be a lot of choices of services desired. For the promotion strategy, LAZ Dompet Ummat used various promotion media, such as Personal Selling, Public Relations, and Direct Mail. While, for the process strategy, LAZ Dompet Ummat prioritized an easy process, accurate, focus, and quickly in delivering the service after the transaction, in the form of report of input, development, and audited financial distribution that leads to donator satisfaction. The people strategy is conducted by recruitment activities and internship, to enhance the skill of the employees in which they are involved in such training and comparative study to form an accountable and professional employees. Physical evidence strategy is conducted by owning and altering the physical condition of the buildings and facilities needed to provide comfortability to the donator. Facility of supporting evidence such as receipt, magazine,stikers, and logo used to deliver satisfaction and trust to donator throughout such good and quality service.

Suggestions given are it is necessary to improve such services toward donator, improve donator-base marketing or Community Marketing, and also, the employee must be certified for the future.


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