Scopus Secondary Documents

Pedontropika has several sources of the citation performance on Scopus including
  1. Amiruddin and Umasugi, B. 2018. The effect of climate change on drought stress on plantation crops on Ternate Island. Pedon Tropika 4(1):146-152 (in Indonesian).
    cited by:
    Umasugi, B., Prijono, S., Soemarno, S., & Ariffin, A. (2020). Improvement of soil moisture storage in clove plantation land using biopore technology and organic material litters. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 8(2), 2601-2610. doi:
  2. Manurung, R., Gunawan, J., Hazriani, R., Suharmoko, J. 2017. Pemetaan Status Unsur Hara N, P dan K Tanah pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Lahan Gambut
    PedonTropika, 3 (1), pp. 89-96..
    cited by:

    Asbur, Y., Purwaningrum, Y., & Mindalisma. (2019). Growth and soils chemicals properties by planting asystasia gangetica (L.) T. anderson as cover crop. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(11), 325-329.
  3. Alhaddad, A.2014.  Perubahan Unsur Hara Nitrogen (N) dan Phosphor (P) Tanah Gambut di Lahan Gambut yang Dipengaruhi Lama Pengolahan Lahan. Jurnal Pedon Tropika, 1, pp. 1-9.
    cited by: 
    Kharisun, Fadillah, Mujiono, Suciati. 2019. Composition of planting media and biological agents to improve physical and chemical properties of soil. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 250 (1), art. no. 012099, .