Jurnal Mahasiswa S2 UNTAN DJUMADI, SH A21211091


This thesis discusses the problem Verdict Against Corruption Free By Judge District Court (Case Study in High Court Jurisdiction Pontianak). From the results of research using the method of normative legal research concluded that: 1. Basic considerations Putussibau District Court Decision Number: Number: 59/Pid.B/2006/PN.PTSB juridical been based on the provisions of the legislation applicable in the field of forestry, corruption and administrative law are reinforced by the opinions of the expert criminal law and administrative law, evidence according to the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as the facts of the law in court, so to the acquittal of the defendants Drs. H. Bin Husin beverage ABANG ABANG Husin. While the basic considerations Singkawang District Court Decision Number: 168/Pid.B/2004/PN.SKW, dated March 21, 2005, which had been acquitted of charges of corruption funds from the budget of 2003, Defendant: Soemardji, Drs. Adrianto Alio, Hermanus, Tambok Pardede, SH, Hadi Surya, Drs. Son Tavip Purba, Mahyan Aminuddin, H. Zainal Abidin, HZ., J.M. Papilaya, SH, Irene Kadem, SP., Ridha Wahyuni, SH, and IIS Sumiati, legally has referred to the provisions of regulations in the field of local governance, corruption and administrative law are reinforced by the opinions of experts criminal law and the law administration, the evidence according to the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as the facts in the court of law. 2. Dominant factors that affect the judge's decision in the direction of a good decision based on the law and bad decision is contrary to law factors: a. Judge integrity ; b. Judge Professionalism; c. Kepatian Regulation Legislation Law d. Level Legal Awareness Society. Further recommended : In an effort to improve the effectiveness, objectivity and quality of court decisions corruption forward, the necessary increase of Integrity and Professionalism Justice, Legal Certainty Substance Regulation Legislation and Legal Awareness in the community organizing criminal justice process in Indonesia. In addition , always needs to be increased scrutiny of domestic judicial decisions by the Court and the High Court of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as external oversight by both the Judicial Commission and the general public against the verdict and the conduct of judges suspected of corruption that deviate from the values of law purposes, is : truth, fairness, certainty, and legal expediency.
Keyword : Crime of corruption, Decision Free
Tesis ini membahas masalah Putusan Bebas Terhadap Tindak Pidana Korupsi Oleh Hakim Pengadilan Negeri (Studi Kasus Di Wilayah Hukum Pengadilan Tinggi Pontianak). Dari hasil penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa : 1. Dasar pertimbangan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Putussibau Nomor: Nomor: 59/Pid.B/2006/PN.PTSB secara yuridis telah berbasis pada ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di bidang kehutanan, tindak pidana korupsi dan hukum administrasi yang diperkuat oleh pendapat-pendapat para pakar hukum pidana dan hukum administrasi, alat-alat bukti menurut KUHAP, serta fakta-fakta hukum di persidangan, sehingga sampai pada putusan bebas terhadap terdakwa Drs. H. ABANG TAMBUL HUSIN Bin ABANG HUSIN. Sedangkan dasar pertimbangan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Singkawang Nomor: 168/Pid.B/2004/PN.SKW, tanggal 21 Maret 2005, yang telah memutus bebas dari dakwaan melakukan tindak pidana korupsi dana APBD Tahun 2003, Terdakwa : Soemardji, Drs. Adrianto Alio, Hermanus, Tambok Pardede, S.H., Hadi Surya, Drs. Tavip Putra Purba, Aminuddin Mahyan, H. Zainal Abidin, HZ., J.M. Papilaya, S.H., Irene Kadem, SP., Ridha Wahyuni, S.H., dan IIS Sumiati, secara yuridis telah mengacu pada ketentuan peraturan di bidang tata pemerintahan daerah, tindak pidana korupsi dan hukum administrasi yang diperkuat oleh pendapat-pendapat para pakar hukum pidana dan hukum administrasi, alat-alat bukti menurut KUHAP, serta fakta-fakta hukum di persidangan. 2. Faktor-faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi putusan hakim ke arah putusan yang baik berdasarkan atas hukum dan putusan yang buruk bertentangan dengan hukum adalah faktor : a. Integritas Hakim; b. Profesionalitas Hakim; c. Kepatian Hukum Peraturan Perundang-Undangan; d. Tingkat Kesadaran Hukum Masyarakat. Selanjutnya direkomendasikan : Dalam upaya meningkatkan efektivitas, obyektivitas dan kualitas putusan pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi ke depan, diperlukan peningkatan Integritas dan Profesionalitas Hakim, Kepastian Hukum Substansi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan, dan Peningkatan Kesadaran Hukum masyarakat dalam penyelenggaran proses peradilan pidana di Indonesia. Selain itu, senantiasa perlu ditingkatkan pengawasan putusan-putusan pengadilan negeri dan pengadilan tinggi oleh Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia, serta pengawasan eksternal baik oleh Komisi Yudisial maupun masyarakat luas terhadap putusan dan perilaku hakim tindak pidana korupsi yang diduga menyimpang dari nilai-nilai tujuan hukum, ialah : kebenaran, keadilan, kepastian, dan kemanfaatan hukum.
Kata Kunci : Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Putusan Bebas

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Program Studi Magister Hukum
Universitas Tanjungpura

ISSN: 0216-2091