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Author Guidelines
- The objective of the Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa is to publish original research, viewpoints, and dissemination of knowledge in marine science aspect.
- All Articles published in Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa are open access.
- The manuscript for Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa is highly recommended to be sent online through Open Journal System. If you have a problem with the online submission, the Article can be sent to the Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa email (
- The manuscript must be written by at least 2 authors, preferably from different institution.
- The type of the manuscript must be the result of research (research article).
- The submitted manuscript has not been published or is not being considered for publication in another publisher.
- The manuscript could be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English with the length of 6 to 10 pages.
- Title must be brief but clearly describes content of the article.
- The author's name (without title) must be accompanied by the full name, full address of the affiliation (specific location, department, institution name, street, city, and country), and the email of corresponding author.
- Abstract is in the form of a paragraph, consisting of 250 words (maximum) and written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Abstract uses Cambia, size 10, Italic. The abstract is a concise (short and clear) summary of your work. It should clearly state the background problem, the research objectives, the brief method, the main results/findings, and the conclusions, and should not include citations, tables, figures, and formulas. More information can be found in the template.
- Keywords (maximum 5 words) are located under the abstract.
- The manuscript (Introduction, Research Method, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion) uses Cambria size 12, spacing 1 line, two column of 8,6 cm width, the distance between columns is 0.8 cm, A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm) with the margin is 1.7 cm on above and bottom side, while the left and right side (1.5 cm). More details can be found in the template.
- The article sent to Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa comes from original research article (the article originality or state of the art should be mentioned in the introduction part).
- The research article should contain title, authors name(s), affiliation/institution, and postal address, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment (optional), and references.
- Introduction explains state of the art of the research, gap analysis, and research objectives/questions.
- Method is written in full and detail so that it can be repeated by others (reproducible).
- Results should summarize or highlight the findings rather than providing the detailed research results. Discussion must answer the problems, interprets the research results and the findings into the already known knowledge, confirms and/or contrasts with the research of other researchers, constructs the new theory, and/or modifies the previous theory. Discussion must also contain the implications of both theoretical and implementation results.
- Conclusion must be able to answer the research objectives/questions and should not repeat the abstract or simply rewrite the experimental results.
- The title of the figure uses Cambria size 11, center alignment, 1 line spacing, and placed at the bottom of the picture. The image file(s) is in .jpg or .png format and can be attached as supplementary files.
- When quoting pictures, charts, or photographs from other publications, the author shall specify the source and obtain the permission from its Author.
- Tables are typed in 1 line spacing, decimal places are used as position references, and zeros must be stated (e.g. 0,333 and not .33). Columns and rows in the table should be titled. The title of the table is capitalized for the first letter of each word. The table title is placed at the top of the table. The font size is 11 pt or adjustable. Examples of the table format can be seen in the template.
- Diagram, schematic, chart, or flowchart use Cambria, 1 line spacing. Font size is 11 pt or adjustable.
- Equation(s) is numbered with Arabic numerals on the right in parentheses. The equation should use the International System (SI) and its standard abbreviations. Decimal sign uses a period for an article in Bahasa (example: 0,5). Abbreviations should be avoided unless they have been defined previously or a commonly used abbreviation. Footnotes are not allowed.
- Any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest that may affect the outcome or interpretation of the research should be written down in the manuscript. All sources of financial or non-financial support of research should also be written in the Acknowledgments section.
- A reference list is placed at the end of the manuscript. An example of writing the references can be seen in the template.
- The article should use at least 80% of the newest references (not more than 10 years) and consists of (at least) 80% article from a scientific journal.
- All articles submitted to Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa will be read and reviewed blindly (double blind peer review) by (minimum) 2 peer-reviewers who are experts in their field. The acceptance of a manuscript depends on the novelty of research, significance of the article, truth of the content, the degree of originality, the clarity of description, and the conformity with the objective of the journal.
- The editorial board authorized to accept, return the manuscript for revision, and/or reject the submitted manuscript.
- The template can be downloaded, and for further information, please contact Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa Editorial Board via email
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.