Journal History

The first edition of JURNAL LAUT KHATULISTIWA, Volume 1 (Vol. 1) Issue Number 1 (No. 1), was published in February 2018. This volume consists of 3 issues and fiifthteen articles. Starting from Vol. 1, JURNAL LAUT KHATULISTIWA is published periodically three times a year: in February, July, and October. Each issue in the corresponding volume contains a minimum of five articles. Since the early development, JURNAL LAUT KHATULISTIWA published in two versions, i.e the printed version (ISSN: 2614-6142) and the electronic version (ISSN: 2614-8005). The electronic version was published from beginning to widen the dissemination of the journal. JURNAL LAUT KHATULISTIWA has also been putting serious effort to make it self recognized in national and international academic databases. As the results, since Vol. 1 No.1 JURNAL LAUT KHATULISTIWA is indexed by Google Scholar. Then on 2019, since Vol. 2 No. 1, other academic search engines, namely Garuda include JURNAL LAUT KHATULISTIWA in its database. To improve the reference-linking systems of the articles, since 2019, articles published in JURNAL LAUT KHATULISTIWA has a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from crossref. Furthermore, this journal is Nationally Accredited (SINTA 5) by Directorate General of Higher Education decree No. 164/E/KPT/2021 on 27 December 2021 by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Indonesia.