Rumah itu dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisik dan spiritual bagi penghuni. Ini berarti bahwa fungsi rumah secara fisik dibangun untuk mempertahankan hidup mereka dari ancaman lingkungan seperti iklim, cuaca atau hewan liar, sementara rumah juga diperuntukkan untuk kebutuhan rohani mereka dengan memfasilitasi interaksi antara penghuni di rumah atau interaksi dengan orang di luar rumah. Untuk itu, menarik untuk mendalami kearifan lokal yang hidup di masyarakat tradisional di Kota Sambas Kalimantan Barat, melalui pemahaman disain struktural dari elemen-elemen tempat tinggal tersebut. Disain struktural bangunan dikerjakan dalam memenuhi tujuan-tujuan untuk safety, values, fitness, compatibility dan flexibility. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa disain struktural rumah tradisional Melayu di kota Sambas dibangun dengan Tujuan Safety diperoleh dari keadaan yang memperhatikan kedominanan, proporsi dan keseimbangan; Tujuan Value diperoleh dari perhatian terhadap konstruksi ruang, keterhubungan ruang, susunan dan perletakan kolom; Tujuan Fitness diperoleh dari pemilihan dan pola struktur; Tujuan Compatibility diperoleh dari perhatian terhadap pemilihan material, orientasi bangunan dan bentuk-bentuk struktur ruang; sedangkan Tujuan Flexibility diperoleh dari susunan dan keterkaitan ruang serta pemilihan sistem struktur.
The house was built to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the occupants. This means that the physical functions of house was bulit to maintain their living from environmental threats such as climate, weather or wild animals, while the house as well intended for their spiritual needs to facilitating the interaction between the occupants in the house or interaction with people outside the house. For that, it is interesting to explore the local wisdom that growing in traditional people of the Sambas town West Kalimantan, through an understanding of the structural design of the house elements. Structural design of the building is done to fulfill the objectives of safety, values, fitness, compatibility and flexibility. From the results of this study found that the structural design of the Malay traditional house in Sambas town was built with the aim of Safety obtained from the state of attention to dominance, proportion and balance; the aim of Value obtained from the state of attention to the construction of space, the connectedness of space, arrangement and placement of columns; the aim of Fitness obtained from the state of attention to the selection and patterns of structures; the aim of Compatibility obtained from the state of attention to the material selection, building orientation and the forms of spatial structure; while the aim of Flexibility is obtained from the state of attention to the composition and space connectedness and the structural system
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26418/lantang.v1i2.18797
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Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak, Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak, 78124, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia.
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