Halida Halida, Luhur Wicaksono, Syawaluddin Syawaluddin, Fendahapsari Singgih Sendayu, Putu Ari Dharmayanti


This research aims to provide an overview of the self-disclosure of junior high school students in the city of Pontianak. The sample was 520 students, sampling used random sampling. Data collection, using a self-disclosure questionnaire, was given to students using Google forms. The method used is a descriptive method, with descriptive statistical analysis. There are five indicators studied, namely: self-disclosure in socializing, dressing, determining the future, managing finances and self-disclosure in personality. The research results stated that students' self-disclosure was in the sufficient category. Based on gender, women have the highest average self-disclosure compared to men. Self-disclosure regarding the future and personality is in the high category. Meanwhile, indicators of self-disclosure in socializing, dressing and managing finances are in the medium category. It is hoped that future research can carry out relational research to see the relationship between self-disclosure and parental parenting patterns, local cultural values and socio-economic status.

Keywords: Middle school student, Self-disclosure, Portrait



Middle school student, Self-disclosure, Portrait

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26418/jvip.v16i2.78570


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