Lukmanulhakim Lukmanulhakim


Wealth owned by the people of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) is a potential that needs to be maintained and developed, one of which is the wealth of traditional games. The focus of this research is to conduct an inventory of traditional games for early childhood in Kalbar. This study uses a qualitative approach. This research activity is located in Kalbar. The source of this research is the community consisting of: Community Leaders of Kalbar, Communities, children, parents. The research methods used were in-depth interviews, observation; and documentation studies. Analysis of qualitative research data through three stages that are mutually integrated, namely: reduction, display and verification. This study concludes that traditional Kalbar games have potential for early childhood development, namely Gasing, Jajak Sisir, Ukau, Jangkak Tempurung, Lantak/leletop, Tabak Oka/Dengkak, Jangko, Stabbing Rusak, Galah Kepung/Galasin, and Tapok Beleg/Canned. (1) The types of games found in the ten traditional games are divided into two types. namely solitary play and cooperative play. (2) The characteristics of the traditional games found are the cultural heritage of the Kalbar’s people. (3) The game is identical to the use of natural materials as a medium. (4) Each game has its own rules of play. (5) Traditional games have development potential for early childhood.


Keywords: Traditional Games, Early Childhood, West Kalimantan



Kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar) merupakan potensi yang perlu dijaga serta dikembangkan, salah satunya kekayaan permainan tradisional. Fokus penelitian ini adalah melakukan inventarisasi permainan tradisioanl bagi anak usia dini di Kalbar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Kegiatan penelitian ini berlokasi di Kalbar. Sumber dari penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang terdiri dari: Tokoh Masyarakat Kalbar, Komunitas-komunitas, Federasi Olahraga Rakyat Masyarakat Indonesia (FORMI), anak-anak, para orang tua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi; dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data penelitian kualitatif melalui tiga tahapan yang saling terintegrasi, yakni: reduction, display dan verification. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa permainan tradisional Kalbar menjadi potensi bagi pengembangan anak usia dini yaitu Gasing, Jajak Sisir, Ukau, Jangkak Tempurung, Lantak/ leletop, Tabak Oka/ Dengkak, Jangko, Tikam Rusak, Galah Kepung/ Galasin, dan Tapok Beleg/ Kaleng. (1) Jenis-jenis permainan yang ditemukan dalam sepuluh permainan tradisonal terbagi dalam dua jenis. yaitu solitary play dan cooperative play. (2) Karakteristik permainan tardisional yang ditemukan merupakan warisan budaya masyarakat Kalbar. (3) Permainan identik dengan pemanfataan bahan alam sebagai medianya. (4) Setiap permainan memiliki aturan bermainnya masing-masing. (5) Permainan tradisional memiliki potensi pengembangan bagi anak usia dini. 


Traditional Games, Early Childhood, West Kalimantan

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