Isu-Isu Sentral Pendidikan Dalam Kaitan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar

H.M. Chiar


Upaya mempersiapkan keluaran perguruan tinggi yang berkualitas sangat terkait dengan ketersediaan dan kesesuaian berbagai faktor pendudukung. Salah satu diantara komponen pendukung tersebut adalah tersedianya bahan ajar yang aktual yang diangkat dari isu-isu terkini atau isu-isu sentral di dalam berbagai aspek pengetahuan dan informasi, khususnya berkaitan dengan pendidikan. Tulisan ini mengangkat beberapa di antara isu sentral dimaksud, antara lain; isu filosofis, arah baru Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, konseling lintas budaya & cyber conseling, perubahan pandangan tentang eksistensi pendidikan nilai, life skills education, multicultural education, beberapa pendekatan pembelajaran berbasis inquiry, dan e learnig.

Kata-kata Kunci: Isu-isu Sentral, Pendidikan, Bahan ajar.

Abstract: Efforts to prepare output quality college is strongly associated with the availability and suitability of various factors pendudukung. One among the supporting component is the availability of teaching materials were removed from the actual current issues or the central issues in the various aspects of knowledge and information, particularly with regard to education. This paper raised some of the central issues in question, among others; philosophical issues, new directions Civic Education, Cross-cultural and Cyber counseling, change the view of the existence of the value of education, life skills education, multicultural education, some inquiry-based learning approaches, and e learnig.

Keywords: Central Issues, Education, Teaching materials.

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Copyright (c) 2016 H.M. Chiar

Published by Universitas Tanjungpura
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