Studi Literatur Penyebaran Logam Berat Pada Air Permukaan Dan Air Tanah Di Sekitar TPA Batu Layang Pontianak
The Final Processing Site (TPA) in Batu Layang is close to residential areas, so it is feared that it will contaminate ground water which is used as a water source by the community around the TPA. Many studies have been carried out around the TPA Batu Layang Pontianak to prove the presence of heavy metals in large concentrations produced by TPA. Residents around the TPA still use ground water (wells) as a source of drinking water, bathing, washing, and latrines (MCK). This literature study aims to summarize the results of research showing the presence of heavy metals from the TPA Batu Layang, and to provide suggestions for the TPA Batu Layang managements based on the results of this study. The method used in this research is collecting journal from internet, which is systematically compiled and discussed. Journal obtained from Google Scholar. Based on the results and discussion of the journal, it can be concluded that there is heavy metal pollution, especially manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd), which can affect groundwater and surface water conditions around the landfill. The leachate distribution must be controlled because if left unchecked it will contaminate the soil and groundwater around the TPA. The solution could be to use a waterproofing layer around the perimeter and bottom of the landfill cell, use leachate delivery pipes, buffer zones, and change the treatment system.
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University of Tanjungpura
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