Penentuan Dosis Tawas Dan Kianchem Terhadap Ketinggian Pasang Surut Sungai Kapuas Dalam Menurunkan Tingkat Kekeruhan Menggunakan Response Surface Method
This research heading to analyze coagulant dossage (aluminium sulphate and kianchem) based on tidal river elevation forecast to reduce the turbidity of fresh water using Response Surface Method. Response Surface Method is a method to analyze the effect of each factors that be measured with design of experiments. Design of experiment conducted based on number of factors and level each factors. This research is RSM 23 which 2 is the level each faktor, consists of low value (-1) and high value (1), and 3 is the number of factors that be measured (tidal, aluminium sulphate, kianchem). The result of this research is tidal river forecast effects the turbidity of fresh water. At the high tide, the effective dossage for aluminium sulphate and kianchem is 33 ppm and 5 ppm with efectivity 99,84% to reduce the turbidity. At low tide, the effective dossage for aluminium suphate and kianchem is 17 ppm and 1 ppm with efectivity 99,5% to reduce the turbidity. These dossage will reduce the turbidity ≤ 5 NTU which allowed by PERMENKES No. 492 Year 2010 About The Qualified For Fresh Water Quality. The regression RSM 23 is ŷ = 1,689 + 0,037.XP – 0,243.XT + 0,254.XK + 0,141. XP2 + 0,059.XT2 + 0,004.XK2 – 0,130.XP.XT – 0,112.XP.XK – 0,331.XT.XK.
Keywords : Turbidity, Kianchem, Tidal River, Response Surface Method, Aluminium Sulphate.
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Department of Environment Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Tanjungpura
Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi, Bansir Laut, Kec. Pontianak Tenggara, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78124