Kubu Raya is a district in West Kalimantan Province. It is directly adjacent to Pontianak City, the province's capital. This condition increases mobility and vehicle traffic, resulting in a relatively high accident rate.
Traffic accident data came from the Kubu Raya Regency Police Station, and field observations obtained data on road condition and completeness. The analysis methods used are weighting, Z-Score, and CUSUM (Cumulative Summary).
The number of accidents in Jalan Raya Kakap during 2020 - 2022 amounted to 26 incidents. The characteristics of traffic accidents on Jalan Raya Kakap for three years (2020 - 2022) are that victims with minor injuries are more than victims of death and serious injuries, namely seven victims in 2020, 8 victims in 2021, and 18 victims in 2022. STA points 0 - 1 have the highest number of accidents during the 3-year period, which is 152 STA points. 2-3 by 129, and point STA. One black spot falls into the high accident vulnerability category: point STA. 0-1. Two black spots fall into the high accident vulnerability category: STA points. 2-3 and STA. 7-8. Four black spots fall into the medium category. Three black spots fall into the low category. Moreover, four points are categorized as not accident-prone.
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