The Impact On Street Parking At Jalan Alianyang Kota Pontianak

Joerka Wednesday Indigo, Said Said, S. Nurlaily Kadarini, Elsa Tri Mukti, Sumiyattinah Sumiyattinah


The development of activities on Jalan Alianyang, Kota Pontianak causes problems,
namely the decrease in mobility on the road. This is due to the unavailability of a separate
parking area for each of the facilities mentioned above, so parking is carried out using the
road. This causes a reduction in road capasity and causes a decrease in speed for passing
vehicles. The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of parking on Jalan
Alianyang Pontianak in the form of available parking spaces, and the parking
characteristics of vehicle owners, to determine the magnitude of side friction due to on
street parking, getting a road performance value by considering on street parking. The
method used is based on MKJI (1997) and the Technical Guidelines of the Directorate
General of Land Transportation (1998). Data collection in this study includes primary data
obtained from survey research in the field which includes geometric data on Jalan
Alianyang, traffic volume data, vehicle speed data, side friction data, and patrol parking
data. The secondary data was obtained from the Mayor's Decree on Pontianak City Road
on Parking in Kota Pontianak and data from the Pontianak City Population and Civil
Registration Agency. The study was conducted for 4 days on June 24 to 27, 2022 on the
Jalan Alianyang segment between Jalan Pangeran Natakusuma and Jalan Suwignyo from
06.00 to 21.00 WIB. From the results of the analysis can be concluded that the highest
accumulation of hourly parking on weekdays 45 motorcycles and 30 cars, on weekends
40 motorcycles and 12 cars. The largest parking volume on weekdays is 1043 vehicles, on
weekends is 780 vehicles. The highest average parking index along 200 m is 80% which
means that not all road segments are used as parking lots. The performance of road sections
without on street parking shows a level of service C and a degree of saturation of 0.45.
Meanwhile, with the influence of on street parking with a level of service F and a degree
of saturation of 1.01. Based on parking needs, it can be considered using one side of the
road with good parking management so that parking and mobility needs can be balanced.


On Street Parking, Vehicle Volume, Data Analysis, Road Capacity.

Full Text:



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