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Copyright (c) 2020 Leonardus Setia Budi Wibowo, Agustinus Angkoso
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Tanjungpura Indexed by :
ISSN 1412-3576 (print), 2621-8429 (online)
Published by :
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tanjungpura University
Jl. Profesor Doktor H. Hadari Nawawi, Bansir Laut, Pontianak Tenggara, Kota Pontianak Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 78124
Telp./Fax: +0561-740186
Email: [email protected]
CP: 081256123030-085245045025
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In its management and publication, this Civil Engineering Journal collaborates with:
1. Masyarakat Hidrologi Indonesia
2. Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi (FSTPT)