Perencanaan Rancangan Alat Pompa Sentrifugal Dengan Sistem Paralel Sebagai Alat Uji Karakteristik

Muhammad Irvan Maulana, Ivan Sujana, Gita Suryani Lubis


A pump is a device commonly used to drain liquid from a low land to a higher ground or to drain the liquid horizontally through a pipe. The use of pumps varies, two or more pumps can be combined in parallel. The pump circuit test equipment is made to see the characteristics of the centrifugal pump, which aims to get the design of a centrifugal pump practicum tool with a parallel system, on a laboratory scale and to get a comparison of pump performance in terms of variations of the suction pipe (section) ¾" and 1" (inch). The parameters taken from the experimental device consist of: the inlet pressure at the pump is considered to be 0, the exit pressure on the pump, the flowrate, the flow rate, the head, the capacity, the input power, the output power and the pump efficiency. The results of the experiment in the research of a centrifugal pump with a parallel system and a suction pipe ¾" valve opening 90⁰, the efficiency value is 86%  with a capacity value of  0,00053 m³/s. Meanwhile, the 1" suction pipe has an efficiency value of  94% with a capacity value of 0,00058 m³/s. The conclusion is that the design of a centrifugal pump lab tool for laboratory scale, the comparison of pump performance with a parallel system in terms of its preparation aspects, namely: The effect of variations in the diameter of the suction pipe (section) in this test has a positive effect on capacity (Q). This means that the larger the diameter of the suction pipe (section) used, the greater the capacity of the water produced. Capacity and efficiency have a relationship that is directly proportional, the greater the value of the capacity, the greater the efficiency value.


efficiency, capacity, parallel, pump, centrifugal

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