Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Jurnal ini berisi publikasi ilmiah hasil penelitian di bidang fisika baik yang bersifat teoritis maupun terapan, dengan ruang lingkup :

  1. Fisika Teori dan Astrofisika
  2. Fisika Bumi (Geofisika)
  3. Fisika Material
  4. Fisika Instrumentasi dan Elektronika
  5. Fisika Medis
  6. Fisika Nuklir
  7. Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Fisika


Section Policies


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Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Review Policy for Prisma Fisika:

1. Peer Review Process:
a. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and validity of the research presented.
b. The review process will be double-blind, where both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other.
c. The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) or Associate Editor (AE) will initially review the manuscript to determine its suitability for the journal's scope and compliance with the submission guidelines.
d. If the manuscript meets the initial criteria, it will be assigned to at least two independent expert reviewers for evaluation.

2. Selection of Reviewers:
a. Reviewers will be selected based on their expertise in the specific subject area relevant to the manuscript.
b. Reviewers should not have any conflicts of interest with the authors or the content of the manuscript.
c. The EIC or AE will ensure that reviewers have a strong publication record and experience in conducting peer reviews.

3. Reviewer Responsibilities:
a. Reviewers are expected to provide unbiased, constructive, and timely feedback on the manuscript.
b. Reviewers should evaluate the scientific rigor, methodology, originality, significance, and clarity of the manuscript.
c. Reviewers should identify any potential ethical concerns or conflicts of interest and report them to the EIC or AE.
d. Reviewers should maintain the confidentiality of the review process and not disclose any information about the manuscript to anyone else without permission from the EIC.

4. Reviewer Reports:
a. Reviewers will be provided with a review form or template to guide their evaluation.
b. Reviewers should submit their reports within the specified timeframe, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript and providing suggestions for improvement.
c. If there are conflicting reviews, the EIC or AE may seek additional opinions or act as an arbiter to make a final decision.

5. Author Response and Revision:
a. Authors will be given an opportunity to respond to the reviewers' comments and address any concerns or queries raised.
b. Revised manuscripts should be submitted within a specified timeframe along with a detailed response letter addressing each reviewer's comments.

6. Editorial Decision:
a. Based on the reviewers' feedback and the author's revision, the EIC or AE will make an editorial decision, which could include acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.
b. The decision will be communicated to the authors along with the reviewers' comments and recommendations.

7. Appeals and Disputes:
a. If authors disagree with the editorial decision, they can submit an appeal, providing a detailed justification for reconsideration.
b. The appeal will be reviewed by the EIC or an appointed editor who was not involved in the initial decision-making process.

8. Reviewer Recognition:
a. The journal will acknowledge the contribution of reviewers by mentioning their names in the published articles or through other means of recognition.

9. Confidentiality and Ethical Considerations:
a. Editors, reviewers, and authors must maintain the confidentiality of the review process and refrain from using or disclosing any unpublished data or information from the manuscript.
b. Reviewers should report any suspected ethical misconduct or plagiarism to the EIC or AE.

10. Continuous Improvement:
a. The journal will regularly evaluate and improve the review process based on feedback from reviewers, authors, and editorial board members.

It is essential to customize the review policy based on the specific requirements and guidelines of the online journal. The above guidelines can serve as a starting point, but it's recommended to adapt them according to the journal's focus, scope, and editorial practices.


Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy for Prisma Fisika

1. Introduction:
a. Prisma Fisika is dedicated to promoting open access to scholarly research, ensuring the widespread availability and dissemination of knowledge.
b. This Open Access Policy outlines Prisma Fisika's commitment to providing unrestricted access to published articles and fostering the principles of open science.

2. Open Access License:
a. All articles published in Prisma Fisika will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) or an equivalent open access license.
b. This license allows users to freely copy, distribute, and adapt the articles, provided proper attribution is given to the original authors and the journal.

3. Accessibility and Archiving:
a. All articles will be freely accessible on the Prisma Fisika website, ensuring open access to the global scholarly community and the public.
b. Prisma Fisika encourages authors to deposit their articles in institutional repositories or other appropriate open access archives to ensure long-term preservation and wider visibility.

4. Author Retention of Rights:
a. Authors retain the copyright of their published articles in Prisma Fisika.
b. Authors grant Prisma Fisika a non-exclusive license to publish the article under the chosen open access license.

5. Article Processing Charges (APCs):
a. Prisma Fisika may charge Article Processing Charges (APCs) to cover the costs associated with the publication process, including peer review, editing, typesetting, and website maintenance.
b. The APC amount, if applicable, will be clearly communicated to authors during the submission and acceptance process.
c. Prisma Fisika is committed to offering waivers or discounts on APCs for authors from low-income countries or those with limited funding, subject to the journal's policies.

6. Copyright and Attribution:
a. Proper attribution to the original authors and Prisma Fisika is required when using or distributing the published articles.
b. Users must adhere to the terms of the open access license and provide appropriate credit, including the article title, author names, Prisma Fisika, the publication year, volume/issue number, and specific page numbers.

Prisma Fisika is dedicated to advancing open access principles and ensuring the accessibility of scholarly research. This Open Access Policy reflects our commitment to fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the advancement of scientific discovery.



Publication Ethics

Tanggung Jawab Editor

Pengambilan Keputusan Publikasi
Editor berwenang memilih dan menerbitkan artikel. Dia memiliki hak untuk menerima atau menolak makalah atau dapat meminta revisi. Pemimpin Redaksi bertanggung jawab atas penilaian berdasarkan ulasan reviewer. Untuk revisi atau kesalahan atau koreksi lainnya, pemberitahuan akan dikirim ke penulis.

Informasi tentang naskah yang diajukan ke jurnal untuk ditinjau  bersifat rahasia. Editor hanya dapat membagikan detail tersebut dengan reviewer dan penerbit, tetapi tidak dengan editor atau penulis lain.  

Editor akan mengevaluasi naskah berdasarkan konten makalah yang diajukan, tanpa memandang jenis kelamin, keyakinan agama, kewarganegaraan, dan filsafat penulis.

Pengungkapan dan Konflik Kepentingan
Tanpa persetujuan penulis, materi yang belum dipublikasikan yang terungkap dalam naskah tidak dapat digunakan oleh editor untuk bahan penelitian mereka.

Tanggung Jawab Penulis

Standar Pelaporan
Data pernyataan kuantitatif harus diwakili dengan akurat dalam makalah.

Akses dan Retensi Data
Selama proses review, penulis mungkin diminta untuk mengirimkan data mentah penelitian terkait dan membuatnya tersedia untuk umum.

Keaslian, Plagiarisme, dan Pengakuan Sumber
Penulis harus memastikan bahwa karya yang mereka kirimkan asli dan tidak memiliki duplikasi.

Publikasi Ganda, Berlebihan, atau Bersamaan
Mengirimkan makalah penelitian yang sama di jurnal lain dapat merupakan publikasi yang tidak etis atau tidak dapat diterima.

Penulisan Makalah
Penulisan makalah harus terbatas pada mereka yang telah mengirimkan naskah yang sama di lebih dari satu jurnal.

Kesalahan Fundamental dalam Karya yang Diterbitkan
Ketika penulis mengetahui adanya kesalahan dalam makalah yang diterbitkan, mereka bertanggung jawab untuk segera memberi tahu penerbit atau meminta mereka untuk memperbaiki ketidakakuratan atau menarik makalah.

Pengungkapan dan Konflik Kepentingan
Penulis harus menyertakan pernyataan dalam naskah mereka bahwa persetujuan sadar telah diperoleh untuk proses eksperimen peserta.

Tanggung Jawab Reviewer

Kontribusi pada Keputusan Editorial
Langkah peer review ini sangat penting, di mana editor bertanggung jawab untuk mengambil keputusan dan memberikan komentar kepada penulis untuk melakukan modifikasi yang diperlukan pada naskah yang diajukan.

Ketepatan Waktu
Reviewer yang dipilih oleh Pemimpin Redaksi untuk meninjau makalah yang diajukan ke jurnal yang merasa tidak memenuhi syarat untuk tujuan tertentu harus segera memberitahukan editor dan menolak undangan.

Editor perlu memastikan bahwa materi yang diajukan bersifat rahasia selama sesi review oleh reviewer.

Review harus didefinisikan secara objektif. Kritik pribadi tidak diperbolehkan.

Pengakuan Sumber
Reviewer bertanggung jawab untuk memberitahukan editor jika ditemukan kesamaan atau tumpang tindih antara dua naskah.

Pengungkapan dan Konflik Kepentingan
Informasi dalam naskah yang tidak dipublikasikan oleh penulis tidak dapat digunakan oleh reviewer untuk pekerjaan penelitian mereka.