Matius F22212022, Usman Radiana, M. Syukri


Abstrak: Kinerja yang tinggi  dapat muncul karena adanya motivasi berprestasi maupun pelaksanaan supervisi akademik  oleh kepala sekolah. Ukuran kinerja guru terlihat dari tanggung jawabnya ketika menjalankan amanah, profesi yang diembannya, rasa tanggung jawab moral dipundaknya. Diperlukan pelaksanaan supervisi akademik maupun adanya motivasi berprestasi kepala sekolah. Penelitian  menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif.  Sumber data penelitian  adalah guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sub Rayon X Kecamatan Kayan Hilir Kabupaten Sintang sejumlah 49 orang. Hasil penelitian: (1) Terdapat pengaruh supervisi akademik kepala sekolah terhadap peningkatan kinerja guru mengajar di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sub Rayon X Kecamatan Kayan Hilir Kabupaten Sintang; (2) Tidak terdapat pengaruh motivasi berprestasi  kepala sekolah terhadap peningkatan kinerja mengajar di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sub Rayon X Kecamatan Kayan Hilir Kabupaten Sintang; dan (3) Terdapat pengaruh supervisi akademik dan motivasi berprestasi  kepala sekolah secara bersama-sama terhadap peningkatan kinerja mengajar di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sub Rayon X Kecamatan Kayan Hilir Kabupaten Sintang.

Kata Kunci: Supervisi Akademik, Motivasi Berprestasi, Kinerja

Abstract: High performance can arise due to the implementation of achievement motivation and academic supervision by the principal . The size of the teacher 's performance of its responsibilities visible when running the trust , the profession to which it aspires , a sense of moral responsibility dipundaknya . Academic supervision and implementation of the necessary existence of the principal achievement motivation . The study used a quantitative approach with descriptive methods . Sources of research data is a public elementary school teacher Sub Rayon X Kayan Hilir Subdistrict Sintang number of 49 people . Results of the study : ( 1 ) There is the influence of the principal academic supervision to the improved performance of teachers teaching in the Sub -District Public Elementary School District of Kayan Hilir X Sintang ; ( 2 ) There is no influence of the principal achievement motivation on performance improvement of teaching in the Sub -District Public Elementary School District of Kayan Hilir X Sintang ; and ( 3 ) influences of academic supervision and achievement motivation principals together to increase the performance of teaching in the Sub -District Public Elementary School District of Kayan Hilir X Sintang.

Key words : Academic Supervision , Achievement Motivation, Performance

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