Putri Maulidia, Rahayu A, Sumarni .


Abstract:This research deals with the relationship between Self Regulated Strategy Development with students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. The purpose of this research is investigate the effectiveness of SRSD with the students’ descriptive writing achievement. This research involved 35 students of 9A of SMP Negeri 11 Pontianak in academic year 2013/2014. The writer applied pre-experimental study on her research with one class as the sample. Based on the result of the pretest, the students’ achievement was 52.7 which categorized at poor to average. The pretest was given before the treatment. After having the treatment, the students had the posttest. The result of the students’ achievement in posttest was 74.8 which categorized as good to excellent. The result of the students’ interval score of pretest and posttest was 22.1. Then the writer analyzed the significance of the students’ interval score of pretest and posttest by using the t-test formula.  Based on the result of the data computation, it was obtained that the t-test score was 5.5. It indicated that the t-test result was higher than t-table and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Based on the result the problem, this thesis answered that SRSD was effective to teach descriptive writing.

Keywords: SRSD, Descriptive Writing

Abstrak:PenelitianiniberhubungandenganpengguanaanSelf Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) denganpeningkatankemampuansiswadalammenulisteksdeskripsi. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuikeefektifan SRSD dalammeningkatkankemampuansiswadalammenulisteksdeskripsi. Penelitianinimelibatkan 35 siswakelas 9A SMP Negeri 11 Pontianak tahun pelajaran 2013/2014.Penulismenerapkan pre eksperimentalstudidenganmenggunakansampelsatukelas. Berdasarkan rata – rata prestest, siswamendapatkan 52.7 yang dikategorikan poor to average dan posttest 74.8. yangdikategorikan good to excellent. Hasildari interval skorsiswauntuk pretest dan posttest adalah 22.1. Kemudianpenulismenganalisis interval skorsiswadenganmenggunakan t-test. Hasilnyaadalah t-test siswamencapai 5.5 yang mengidikasikanbahwa ha diterima. Hasilinimenunjukkan SRSD dapatmembantusiswameningkatkankemampuansiswadalammenulisteksdeskripsi.

Kata Kunci: SRSD, PenulisanTeksDeskripsi

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