Suriadi ., Victor Simanjuntak, Kaswari .


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitan adalah bagaimana merencanakan pembelajaran untuk
meningkatkan teknik dasar passing pada permainan sepak bola di kelas IV
Sekolah Dasar Negeri 4 Mayasopa. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian
tindakan kelas. Adapun yang dijadikan populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Siswa
SDN 4 Singkawang Timur dan jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 18 orang
siswa. Hasil penelitian saat pra tes, rata – rata kelas diperoleh siswa sebanyak
51,39 dari 18 siswa dimana 3 orang siswa (16,67%) memperoleh ketuntasan dan
15 siswa ( 83,33%) belum tuntas. Siklus I rata–rata kelas siswa meningkat
menjadi 59,44 dimana 7 siswa (38,89%) memperoleh ketuntasan dan 11 siswa
(61,11%) belum tuntas. Siklus II rata–rata kelas meningkat 64,72 dimana 11 siswa
( 61,11% ) memperoleh ketuntasan, 7 siswa (38,89 %) belum tuntas. Siklus III
rata-rata kelas meningkat dari siklus II menjadi 75,56 dimana 18 siswa (100%)
memperoleh ketuntasan.
Kata kunci : teknik dasar passing
Abstract: The purpose of this reseach is how to plan learning to improve basic
techniques passing the football game in State Elementary School fourth grade 4
Singkawang Mayasopa East. The research method used classroom action
research. As for the population used in this study were students of SDN 4
Singkawang East and the number of sampels examined as many as 18 students.
The results of the current study pre-test, the average - average grade obtained by
the student as much as 51.39 from 18 students in which 3 students (16.67%) to
obtain completeness and 15 students (83.33%) was not finished. I cycle an
average grade of students increased to 59.44 where 7 students (38.89%) to obtain
completeness and 11 students (61.11%) was not finished. Cycle II class average
rose 64.72 which 11 students (61.11%) to obtain completeness, 7 students
(38.89%) was not finished. Cycle III class average increase of cycle II to 75.56
where 18 students (100%) to obtain completeness.
Key words: techniques of passing

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26418/jppk.v3i9.6978


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