Pangesti Ayu Wandari Febriyani, Entin Daningsih, Asriah Nurdini Mardiyyaningsih


Submaterial structure and function of plant tissue is a one of the
difficult materials for student to learn. Media can help to understand
easier for student and therefore is need. The studied was to make an
atlas media and to know the validity of the atlas media about leaf
anatomy and physiology on the plants structure and function
submaterial in class XI. The method of these research is descriptive
quantitative. Atlas media was made with three stages including the
pre-production, production, and post-production. The instruments
validation used were questionnaire instruments and questionnaire
validation media which consisted of four aspects such us presentation,
language, and usage with 21 indicators. The instrument validation
questionnaire was validated by two instrument experts, while the
media atlas was validated by two Biology Education lecturers at the
Tanjungpura University (FKIP Untan) and three biology teachers class
XI using a Likert scale. The validation results were analyzed according
to Laswhe. The results of the instrument validation show that the
instrument was suitable for use, while the results of the media
validation showed that the presentation aspect (0.85) and content
aspects (0.94) were not yet valid because has not reached the minimum
CVR by Lawshe (0.99). The validation results of the atlas media have
not reached the minimum CVI; the value of validation atlas media was
about 0.92 so it needs improvement before being used in learning.

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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK)  published by

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tanjungpura

CP: (62)83125507573

ISSN: 2715-2723 (online)

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