This study aims to analyze the SWOT in CU Banuri
HarapanKita Batang Tarang Kabupaten Sanggau.The
research method used is descriptive with a qualitative
approach. The data sources in this study were one
administrator and nine members of CU Banuri Harapan
Kita Batang Tarang as respondents for interviews. Data
collection was obtained through interview and the
documents obtained were then analyzed through data
reduction, data presentation, and verification/drawing
conclusions then checking the validity of the data using
triangulation techniques. Researchers conducted two
interviews. The reseach show that the strength of CU has
three factors, namely capital capital growth, determination
of education level and managerial ability and there are five
strategies to maximize strength. Weaknesses factors are the
unvailability of ATM machines and infrastructure and there
is a strategy to minimize weaknesses. CU Banuri Harapan
Kita have several opportunities, namely government
regulations that support credit cooperative businesses,
technology, the majority of population are farmers, young
people who have the potential to enter Cuand there are
three strategies made to take advantage of these
opportunities. The threat of CU Banuri Harapan Kita there
are two factors, namely competition and Covid19 Pandemic
and there are three strategies made to minimaze threats.
HarapanKita Batang Tarang Kabupaten Sanggau.The
research method used is descriptive with a qualitative
approach. The data sources in this study were one
administrator and nine members of CU Banuri Harapan
Kita Batang Tarang as respondents for interviews. Data
collection was obtained through interview and the
documents obtained were then analyzed through data
reduction, data presentation, and verification/drawing
conclusions then checking the validity of the data using
triangulation techniques. Researchers conducted two
interviews. The reseach show that the strength of CU has
three factors, namely capital capital growth, determination
of education level and managerial ability and there are five
strategies to maximize strength. Weaknesses factors are the
unvailability of ATM machines and infrastructure and there
is a strategy to minimize weaknesses. CU Banuri Harapan
Kita have several opportunities, namely government
regulations that support credit cooperative businesses,
technology, the majority of population are farmers, young
people who have the potential to enter Cuand there are
three strategies made to take advantage of these
opportunities. The threat of CU Banuri Harapan Kita there
are two factors, namely competition and Covid19 Pandemic
and there are three strategies made to minimaze threats.
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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK) published by
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tanjungpura
CP: (62)83125507573
ISSN: 2715-2723 (online)
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