Subarjono NIM 25109076, Usman Radiana, Andi Usman


ABSTRAK: Pengembangan Media CD Interaktif dengan Model Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu Berbasis Masalah pada kelas VIII SMP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media CD interaktif pada mata pelajaran IPS dengan model pembelajaran IPS terpadu berbasis masalah di kelas VIII SMPN 9 Pontianak. Metode Penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan adalah metode diskriptif kualitatif yang didapatkan dari pemberian angket dan tes yang dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Hasil Pengembangan CD interaktif IPS terpadu berbasis masalah dengan kriteria sangat baik dengan skor rerata 4,37. 2) Sedangkan data tentang motivasi peserta didik setelah dilaksanakan pembelajaran menunjukkan kriteria sangat baik dengan skor rerata 3,37. 3) Perolehan hasil belajar menunjukkan peningkatan yakni skor rerata pre-test 37 sedangkan rerata skor pos-test 69,67 sehingga terjadi kenaikan rerata skor peserta didik sebesar 32,67. Hal ini berarti bahwa produk media CD interaktif yang dikembangkan layak dan baik digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPS terpadu jenjang SMP kelas VIII.

Kata Kunci: CD interaktif, Motivasi Belajar, Pemerolehan Belajar.

ABSTRACT: Interactive CD Media Development in The Social Studies (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Lessons by Problem-Based Integrated Social Studies Learning Model in Eighth Grade Junior High School. The aim of this research is developing Interactive CD Media in The Social Studies (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Lessons by Problem-Based Integrated Social Studies Learning Model in class VIII SMPN 9 Pontianak. The methods of this research that is used is descriptive qualitative methods. The data is collected from the result of questionnaires and tests. Those were analized qualitatively. The results of this research showed that: 1) The results of the Interactive CD Media Development in The Social Studies (Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial) Lessons by Problem-Based Integrated Social Studies Learning Model with criteria very good with mean score of 4.37; 2) the data on students' motivation after learning conducted showed excellent criterion with a mean score of 3.37. 3) students motivation after learning conducted result in criteria very good with the mean score 3.37; 5) learning acquisition showed an increase in the mean pre-test score of 37.00, while the post-test mean score of 69.67 leading to increase in the mean score of 32.67 students. Thus, it can be concluded that the interactive CD media products developed valid and fit use in learning in Integrated Social Studies Lessons in SMP class VIII.

Key words: Interactive CD, Learning Motivation, Learning Acquisition

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