Gedion,Aminuyati, Nuraini Astriati Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP Untan Pontianak Email :

Gedion Gedion, Aminuyati Aminuyati, Nuraini Astriati



The Application of Cooperative Learning Type STAD against Students' Learning Outcomes in Economy Subject at Class X Students of SMA Abdi Wacana". "How Effective STAD Model Against Learning Outcomes is. The independent variable in this research is STAD model, the dependent variable is learning outcomes. The experimental method is Quasi Experimental Design, the research design is Non Equivalent Control Group. The research population of control class and experimental class of SMA Abdi Wacana consist of 2 classes with total number is 63 students. The result of evaluation is post-test with average value of experimental class is 77,23 and control class is 71,00. The students who completed the experimental class were 20 students (76.93%) while in the control class were 17 students (53.12%). T-test significant value> 0.05 Ho is accepted or no difference, t-test significant value <0.05 Ha is accepted or there is a difference. T-test on the result of post-test of experiment class and control class of significance value <0,05 (0,001 <0,05), there is a difference of post test result of experiment class and control class. Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. How big the effect of learning model used, then effect size formula was used. The effect size is 0.80. So based on the applicable criteria, the effect size is categorized as high.

Keywords: Cooperative, Student Teams Achievement Division, Learning Outcomes


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