Abstrak: Penelitian ini didesain untuk menggali miskonsepsi siswa SD tentang perubahan wujud benda dalam peristiwa alam daur air. Teknik An Individual Demonstration Interview (IDI) dalam bahasa Dayak Keninjal digunakan untuk menggali miskonsepsi sembilan siswa SD Kelas V. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan membandingkan konsepsi siswa dan konsepsi ilmuwan untuk memperoleh miskonsepsi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa memiliki miskonsepsi pada konsep perubahan wujud benda dalam peristiwa alam daur air. Siswa menganggap air berubah wujud menjadi awan ketika menguap, pengembunan terjadi karena ada embun, hujan terjadi ketika awan menguap, air masuk ke dalam tanah karena ada lubang. Mayoritas siswa tidak menyebutkan ada proses pengembunan dan perembesan pada daur air. Siswa cenderung mengungkapkan konsepsinya berdasarkan hal-hal konkrit dan hanya sebatas pemikirannya sendiri. Hasil penelitian memiliki beberapa manfaat pada pembelajaran. Disarankan melakukan perbaikan pada strategi pembelajaran.
Kata Kunci: miskonsepsi, wawancara, bahasa ibu
Abstract: This study was designed to find out elementary school students’ misconceptions about change of phase in water cycle phenomenon. An Individual Demonstration Interview (IDI) in Keninjal language has been used to prompt misconceptions among nine fifth-grade students. The collected data were analysed qualitatively by comparing students’ conceptions and scientists’ conceptions. The results indicate that the students have some misconceptions of the physics of water cycle phenomenon. Students notice that water change form into clouds when it evaporates, condensation occur because there are dew, it starts to rain when the clouds evaporate, water moving underground because there are holes in soil. Majority of students did not mention condensation and infiltration processes during the interview. Besides, they were found to have a tendency to answer questions based on concrete things and his own thoughts. The results have some implications for teaching. It is suggested that a substantial revision of teaching strategies is needed.
Keywords: misconceptions, interview, mother tongue
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UntitledDOI: https://doi.org/10.26418/jppk.v5i9.16694
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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK) published by
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tanjungpura
CP: (62)83125507573
ISSN: 2715-2723 (online)
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