Abstrak:Tujuan penelitin ini untuk mengembangkan Model Perangkat Pembelajaran Kontekstual (MPPK) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dalam materi SPLDV dan SPLTV dikembangkan melalui kegiatan inti dari kurikulum 2013. Kualitas Model Perangkat Pembelajaran Kontekstual akan dideskripsikan melalui kelayakan : keefektifan dari belajar siswa, dan kepraktisan akan ditinjau dari respon siswa, Soal tes untuk mengukur kemampuan komunikasi matematis . Instrumen dalam penelitian ini (1) Lembar validasi keefektifan MPPK, (2) Lembar validasi kepraktisan MPPK dan (3) Lembar soal post test atau lembar hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian keefektifan MPPK ternyata 25 pernyataan memberi 13 pernyataan kategori setuju, sedangkan hasil penilaian kepraktisan MPPK dari 3 orang Tim Monitoring ternyata nilai rata-rata 90% dengan kategori sangat Valid. Kemudian hasil tes awal sebelum MPPK diterapkan Prosentasi ketuntasan 36 % dan setelah MPPK diterapkan prosentasi ketuntasan 75 % terjadi kenaikan 39 % sehingga berdampak positif terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis.
Kata Kunci : Model Perangkat Pembelajaran Kontektual
Abstract: The purpose of this reesearch is to develop contextual learning device model to increase mathematical communication skills in SPLDV and SPLTV materials though the core activities in curriculum 2013. The quality of contextual learning device model will be described though feasibility : Students effectifness in learning and the fractical will be seen or viewed from students respons, test quetions will be used to measure mathematical communication skills. The instrument of this researth are : (1) validation sheets of MPPK effetiveness ,(2) validation sheets of MPPK practical, (3) post test sheets or learning result sheets. According to the result of MPPK effektiviness, found that from as statements, there are 13 agree statements, whereas the result of MPPK practical from 3 person of monitoring team found that the avarage score 90 % with the very valid catagory. After wads the pre test result before the MPPK was applied, the percentage of completeness usas 36 % and after MPPK is applied the persentage of completeness is 75 %, means the mereasing happen which is 39 %, so it brings positive impact on mathematical communication skills.
Key Word : Contextual Learning Device Model
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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK) published by
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tanjungpura
CP: (62)83125507573
ISSN: 2715-2723 (online)
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