Soebakti Soendoro, Regina ., Ikhsanudin .


Abstract: The purpose of this research is to provide feedback about the causes of difficulty in the four types of difficulty in listening comprehension regarding to the activation of decoding and meaning building process. This research uses descriptive research which describes some difficulties in listening comprehension for the twelfth grade students of Immanuel Vocational High School II in academic year 2013/2014. In order to seek the types of difficulties and their causes, this research uses a case study. The analysis is done with qualitativedata on the basis of the set oftest item specification which provides the processes of listening.The analysis is also carried outwith quantitative data by collecting numerical data such as item difficulty, item discrimination, and attractiveness index of distracters.The findingshows that among four types of difficultyin listening (information transfer, response evaluation, communicative stimulus response,and paraphrase recognition),paraphrase recognition is considered to be the most difficult since the difficulty index indicates less than .30 with the classification difficult. In this case, there were 24 of 32 students that could not reformulate what they listened.

Keywords: listening comprehension, students’ difficulties, types of difficulties.


Abstrak: Penilitian ini bertujuan memberikan umpanbalik mengenai penyebab kesulitan menyimak percakapan bahasa Inggris dalam empat tipe kesulitan pada ativitas proses decoding and meaning building. Riset ini menggunakan metode deskripsi yang memaparkan kesulitan mendengarkan untuk siswa kelas XII SMK Immanuel II tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Untuk mencari tipe kesulitan dan penyebabnya, riset ini menerapkan studi kasus. Analisa ini dilakukan dengan memakai data kualitatif  berdasarkan daftar spesifikasi proses menyimak untuk setiap soal dan juga menggunakan data kuantitatif yang terdiri dari perhitungan angka-angka seperti tingkat kesulitan soal, diskriminasi soal, dan index daya tarik pengecoh. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa diantara empat tipe kesulitan menyimak percakapan bahasa Inggris (transfer informasi, evaluasi tanggapan, tanggapan stimulus komunikasi, dan paraphrase rekognasi), maka paraphrase rekognasi dianggap paling sulit sebab index kesulitannya menunjukkan kurang dari 30 (<30) dengan tingkat klasifikasi sulit. Ada 24 dari 32 siswa yang tidak mampu mereformula apa yang mereka dengar.


Kata kunci: menyimak, kesulitansiswa, dantipe-tipekesulitan

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