Andri Helmi Yadhi, Victor G. Simanjuntak, Edi Purnomo


Abstrak: Masalah penelitian adalah bagaimana upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar passing melalui pembelajaran berkelompok di SMPN 12 Pontianak. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar passing melalui pembelajaran berkelompok di SMPN 12 Pontianak. Metode penelitian adalah metode deskriftif dengan bentuk penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian berjumlah 32 orang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan persentase ketuntasan. Hasil penelitian yaitu untuk prasiklus nilai terendah 44.83, nilai tertinggi 72.34, hasil rata-rata 60.34. Untuk siklus 1 nilai terendah 59.26, nilai tertinggi 85.19 hasil rata-rata 72.41. Untuk siklus 2 nilai terendah 62.96, nilai tertinggi 88.89, hasil rata-rata 76.04. Hasil ketuntasan peserta didik  pada prasiklus adalah 0%, siklus 1 adalah 34.38% dengan 11 peserta didik  dan siklus 2 adalah 53.14% dengan 17 Peserta Didik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka terdapat hasil belajar passing kaki bagian dalam melalui pembelajaran berkelompok pada peserta didik di SMPN 12 Pontianak.

Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Berkelompok, Passing Sepak Bola.


Abstract: The research problem is how efforts to improve learning outcomes passing through group learning in SMPN 12 Pontianak. The research objective to determine efforts to improve learning outcomes passing through group learning in SMPN 12 Pontianak. The research method is descriptive method with the form of classroom action research (PTK). Subjects numbered 32 people. Data were analyzed using the percentage of completeness. Results of this study was to prasiklus lowest value 44.83, the highest value of 72.34, an average yield of 60.34. For cycle 1 the lowest value 59.26, the highest value of 85.19 an average yield of 72.41. For the second cycle of the lowest value 62.96, the highest value of 88.89, an average yield of 76.04. Results completeness learners on prasiklus is 0%, 1 cycle is 34.38% with 11 learners and cycle 2 was 53.14% with 17 Students. Based on the research results are the learning outcomes in the leg passing through group learning on the learner in SMPN 12 Pontianak. 

Keywords: Learning Flocking, Passing Football


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