Jhonatan Yuditya Pratama


Background: This study assessed the level of knowledge about planetary health among the Dayak Kanayatn indigenous youth at the Sakolah Budaya Patamuan Talino in Binua Samih I. Planetary health, which links human health to environmental health, is crucial for sustainable development. Method: The research utilized a descriptive design, data were collected from 55 respondents through questionnaires, with validity and reliability confirmed by Pearson Product Moment and Cronbach's Alpha methods. Univariate analysis described the characteristics of the variables studied. Result: The findings showed significant variation in knowledge levels based on age, gender, education, and occupation. Notably, farmers exhibited higher knowledge levels compared to students. These results highlight varying awareness and understanding of planetary health concepts among the youth, indicating the need for targeted educational interventions to enhance knowledge and promote sustainable health practices within the community. Conclusion: This study underscores the importance of increasing awareness and education about planetary health among indigenous communities. By improving knowledge levels, it is possible to foster more sustainable health practices that benefit both human and environmental health. Future research should explore the effectiveness of different educational strategies in improving knowledge and practices related to planetary health.


Planetary health awareness, Indigenous youth education, Sustainable health practices, Knowledge variation factors

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