. Wahyuningsih, S M Kartikawati, Joko Nugroho R


Mendalok village of sungai kunyit subdistric in mempawah regency is a touri area of Mangrove Polaria Tanjung Pagar forest which by many people,so that the tourist don’t know much yet because lack of information about tour of Polaria Tanjung Pagar.One of new object which inaugurated recently on 16 November 2017 sued to can fix for developing management appropriated object preference. Estimination of tourist as consideration in doing determination of establisment factors of tourist attraction.The problems are how is characteristics of object tourist and how is characteristics of journey to Polaria Tanjung Pagar object so those need to do a research. The purpose of this research are to explore date of tourist characteristics and chasracteristics journeyto Polaria Tanjung Pagar, mangrove forest object which located in Mendalok village of Sungai Kunyit Subdistric in Mempawah regency. This research used observation method,interview and helped by questionnaire accidental sampling. Analyzing data done by scoring analysis are after the result of questionnaire data collected then tabulated and analyzed withdescriptive detailed based on answer result on Mangrove Polaria Tanjung Pagar forest object tourists. Characteristics of tourists are more of the tourists are women who aged 13 until 18 years old that come from Pontianak and Singkawang, of junior high school and senior high school,with unmarried status.Characteristics of journey is space from house of tourists to the object of Polaria Tanjung Pagar object is more or less 30 minutes until one  hour of maybe more than one hour,their purposes are looking their family,friends and holiday.Durattion of visiting more than wo hours because there are some other destinations are Mempawah Mangrove Center and Mangrove bakau.

Keywords: Characteristics of journey,characteristics of visitors, mangrove forest.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26418/jhl.v6i4.30053


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