Journal History

Journal History

  1. The inaugural edition (Volume 1, Number 1) of the Tanjungpura Journal of Coaching Research was released in March 2023 with Mr. Didi Suryadi serving as the Editor-in-Chief.
  2. In 2023, the Tanjungpura Journal of Coaching Research introduced sections for ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and STATEMENT OF AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION in its Manuscript Template.
  3. In March 2024, the Tanjungpura Journal of Coaching Research participated in the Conference for Journal Editors, titled "Workshop on Strengthening Scientific Journal Management in Submitting Accreditation and Reaccreditation" which was hosted by PJKI (Indonesian Sports Journal Manager).
  4. Since May 03, 2024, the Tanjungpura Journal of Coaching Research has been listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).