Maritime security in archipelagic regions presents unique challenges due to the complex geographical, environmental, and socio-political factors at play. This study aims to explore key factors influencing maritime security in archipelagic regions and propose a sustainable maritime defense model that prioritizes adaptability and flexibility. Using qualitative research methods, secondary data from government reports, academic publications, and archival records is analyzed to identify these factors and design the defense model. Findings reveal that factors such as geopolitical tensions, transnational crime, and environmental vulnerabilities significantly impact maritime security. The proposed defense model integrates adaptive technologies, flexible operational procedures, and enhanced interagency collaboration to address these challenges effectively. The empirical outcomes of testing the model in diverse archipelagic environments demonstrate its effectiveness in enhancing situational awareness, response capabilities, and adaptability to emerging threats. Lessons learned from case studies inform future improvements to the defense model, emphasizing the importance of technology integration, operational flexibility, collaborative efforts, capacity building, and continuous evaluation. In conclusion, the study contributes insights into sustainable maritime defense modeling in archipelagic regions, providing valuable guidance for policymakers, defense strategists, and maritime security agencies.
Keywords: adaptability, archipelagic regions, flexibility, maritime security, sustainable defense model
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