Laras Trisakti Utami


This research departs from the problem of the lack of quality human resources, cases of violence against children tend to increase every year, and assistance and outreach to victims of violence against children have not been optimal. This research aims to identify and analyze the factors that hinder or cause the implementation of child protection policies at the UPT for the Protection of Women and Children in West Kalimantan Province has not been optimal.The West Kalimantan provincial government determined this policy by appointing the UPT for the Protection of Women and Children following Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2015 concerning Child Protection, to reduce the number of violence against women, which is increasing every year, so it is crucial to take preventive measures and handling of these cases so as not to grow. Increasing cases of violence impact human rights violations and are a massive barrier to the survival and development of children. This research is qualitative research descriptive. The theory used in this research is Edward III, which states that the implementation of a policy consists of four factors or policy variables: communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The results showed that the number of complaints filed could identify cases of violence against children. However, the policy implementation is still hampered by several things, such as communication between policy implementers, lack of availability of human resources and work facilities, and the lack of socialization in the community, so that some Most people do not know about this policy. The SOP is not yet compelling in handling cases because partner institutions in the process of handling cases don't understand it. It can be concluded that the implementation of child protection policies against acts of violence has not had a significant impact on the people of the Province West Kalimantan, considering the violence that occurs is still high and increasing yearly. Therefore, the Provincial Government of West Kalimantan, especially the UPT Protection, should women and children are expected to increase human resources and provide guidance on technical or special training for child protection to improve the quality of the implementers or employees, then hold more socialization to the community, so that reduce the occurrence of violence, exploitation, and abuse of children.

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