Author Guidelines
1.1 Manuscript Preparation
3.2.1 General requirement
Authors who will submit manuscripts to FOODTECH should observe the general requirements below.
1) Manuscripts are original articles or review articles and are never published elsewhere.
3) Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English.
4) ) Abstract should be in Indonesian and English (bilingual) for Indonesian articles. Articles in English only use abstracts in English.
5) Keywords should be in English.
6) Submit manuscripts accompanied by author biodata, such as full name, the field of expertise, address (affiliation), and electronic mail address (e-mail).
1.2.2 Format and Systematic Preparation
- 1. Manuscripts are sent in softcopy (MS. Word), with the following format.
1) A4 paper size (21 cm × 21.7cm) with page margins: left 3 cm, top 2 cm, right 2 cm, bottom 2 cm.
2) Manuscripts must consist of a minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 25 pages.
3) Manuscripts are written with a spacing of 1.15, in one column format; except for abstract, bibliography, table titles/table contents, and image/diagram/graph/chart/sketch titles are arranged in 1 space.
4) Write the title of the manuscript and chapter using the format capitalize each word and bold. Then, the writing of sub-chapters is written using the format capitalize each word, except for conjunctions (and, in, or, with, as well as, about, which, with, against, so, because, then), prepositions (in, to, from, on, to, in, by, until, for, for) and not in bold.
2. The manuscript is written with the following systematic writing.
1) TITLE (Arial 14). The title must be specific, clear, concise, informative, describe the substance or content of the writing, and can arouse the sense of reading. The title does not need to start with the word: research/analysis/study unless the word is the subject. There may be the main title followed by a subtitle.
2) Author's Name (Times New Roman 11). Authors must use their real names (no pseudonyms) and not include an academic title. The full name followed by the title and the author's description can be displayed in the footnote. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*). If there is more than one author, they must be separated by a comma (,).
3) Author Affiliation (Times New Roman 10.5). Affiliation addresses the agency/institution where the author works/studies. This affiliation is closely related to the author's home institution's competence, responsibility, and juridical consequences.
4) Correspondence (Times New Roman 10.5). Correspondence contains an electronic mail (e-mail) address.
5) ABSTRACT (Times New Roman 12). The contents should be written in Times New Roman 10. Abstract consists of the main problems, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study/research. The abstract is written in one paragraph, without references, abbreviations/acronyms, or footnotes. The abstract is not a copy-paste of the sentences in the manuscript. The abstract contains a maximum of 200 words in English and 250 words in Indonesian.
6) Keywords. The keywords (Times New Roman 11) and the contents of the keywords (Times New Roman 10). Keywords must be in English, following the thesaurus rules/standards. The minimum number of keywords is three keywords and a maximum of seven keywords.
7) INTRODUCTION (Times New Roman 12). The introduction is written in Times New Roman 11.
8) LITERATURE REVIEW (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the literature review are written in Times New Roman 11. The literature review describes the theory used as support in the discussion of the results of the study/research. All references used in the literature review and the manuscript's contents (used as a citation source) must be in the list of references.
9) METHOD (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the method are written in Times New Roman 11. The method is a series of work in conducting research, starting from how to carry out data collection to data analysis.
10) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the results and discussion are written in Times New Roman 11. The results are not raw data but data that has been processed/analyzed by a predetermined method. The discussion compares the results obtained with the concepts/theories in the literature review. The contents of the results and discussion include statements, tables, pictures, diagrams, graphs, sketches, and others.
11) CONCLUSION (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the conclusion are written in Times New Roman 11 font. The conclusion is an overview of the results and a discussion of the research conducted.
12) SUGGESTIONS (optional) (Times New Roman 12). Suggestions should be written in Times New Roman 11. Suggestions should be written in one paragraph.
13) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (optional) (Times New Roman 12). The contents are written using Times New Roman 11. Acknowledgments should be written in one paragraph.
14) REFERENCES (Times New Roman 12). The content of references must be written in Times New Roman 11. The bibliography is a source of reference used as the basis or support for writing the manuscript. Writing a bibliography should be in APA Style rules, using the Mendeley/Zotero/Endnote reference manager application. The number of reference sources used as a bibliography of at least 10 titles of scientific literature (80% of primary literature, such as scientific journals, scientific papers/proceedings, research reports, thesis/dissertation; and 20% of secondary literature, such as books and scientific blogs/webs Internet).
3.2.3 Tables and Figures
1) Table Title (Times New Roman 10). The contents of the table are written in Times New Roman 10. The table's title is written above the table with capital letters for each word, except for conjunctions and prepositions, and should be written in the center. Tables are written continuously, for example, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc. The table must be followed by the source of the table if quoted from another source.
Example 1: Table Presentation
Table 1. Usage of Collections by Language (Times New Roman 10)
No. | Reading Language | Frequency (n) | Percentage (%) |
1 | Indonesian | 38 | 92.68 |
2 | English | 3 | 7.32 |
3 | Mandarin | 0 | 0 |
4 | Arabic | 0 | 0 |
5 | Others | 0 | 0 |
Total | 41 | 100 |
2) Image Title (including diagrams, graphs, charts, sketches, prototypes, databases) (Times New Roman 10). The title is written under the object with capital letters on the first letter of the first word, while the next word is written in all lowercase letters and placed in the middle (center). Objects are written continuously, for example, Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and so on. The object must be followed by the object's source if quoted from another source.
Example 2: Image Presentation
Figure 1. Digital network topology of the Research and Technology Library (Times New Roman 10)
If the manuscript contains many images and the object becomes the primary data of the writing, the author must send the original image file in JPEG or PNG format.
3.2.4 Quote Writing
Quotations are ideas or thoughts of other authors (or the authors themselves in other works) that are used as reference sources to be quoted without changing their meaning. The writing of FOODTECH script citations uses an in-text reference system, not using footnotes or endnotes. In the text, references are written by the author's name and year of writing. The citation description is placed in brackets. The format for writing FOODTECH citations can be written at the beginning or end of the citation. Writing FOODTECH script citations using Mendeley/Zotero/Endnote manager application.
Example 3: FOODTECH Script Quotation Writing Format
1. Author's name at the beginning of the sentence
Hartinah (2012) stated that to facilitate and optimize scientific journal accreditation services, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences implements an information technology system that allows online access to information.
According to Nashihuddin, Fathoni, and Auliato (2015), scientific periodicals are publications that are published periodically within a certain period compiled based on scientific writing rules.
Lenkeit et al. (2015), recent decades have seen a rise in large-scale international assessments, which have become an influential instrument for informing educational policies. Likewise, they play anever-increasing role in academic research. The vast information provided by the surveys relates to research topics relevant to various disciplines. We review the impact of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) on academic research and its representation in English-language peer-reviewed journals.
2. Author's name at the end of the sentence
To facilitate and optimize scientific journal accreditation services, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences implements an information technology system that allows online access to information (Hartinah, 2012).
Scientific periodicals are publications that are published periodically within a certain period of time which are prepared based on the rules of scientific writing (Nashihuddin, Fathoni, and Auliato, 2015).
Recent decades have seen a rise in large-scale international assessments, which have become an influential instrument for informing educational policies. Likewise, they play anever-increasing role in academic research. The vast information provided by the surveys relates to research topics relevant to various disciplines. We review the impact of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) on academic research and its representation in English-language peer-reviewed journals (Lenkeit et al., 2015).
1.2.5 Numbering (Marker)
The numbering or marking of parts of the manuscript is written based on the principle of readability, making it easier for readers to follow the rules and understand the contents of the reading. With the following conditions, writing numbering in the FOODTECH manuscript section is only recommended up to the third level in the subtitle in a title/chapter of discussion.
1) The first level, for the title of the discussion with the Arabic numeral marker 1.
2) the Second level, for discussion subtitles with Arabic numeral markers 1.1.
3) The third level, for sub-subtitles of discussion with Arabic numeral markers 1.1.1.
The number of details of the contents of the FOODTECH manuscript is written according to the following provisions.
1) Details are written to the side if there are no more than five elements and no more than 120 characters.
2) Details are written down if there are more than five elements and arranged in order even though the length of each element has not reached two lines.
3) Details written sequentially to the side must use a comma (,) or semicolon (;) between the items specified. A comma (,) is used to separate the details of a single element, while a semicolon (;) is used to separate details consisting of several elements using a sign (,) or a phrase (group of words).
4) Details arranged in descending order must use numbers with the following conditions.
a) The first breakdown uses Arabic numerals 1);
b) The second item uses the letter a);
c) If there are still details, use another bulleted mark.
1.2.6 Writing Bibliography or Reference
The bibliography is all sources of reading material or literature that are used as quotations for writing the manuscript. Writing and compiling a bibliography for FOODTECH uses the APA Style rule, which is managed by the Mendeley/Zotero/Endnote reference manager application.