Simple, Fast, and Accurate Cybercrime Detection on E-Government with Elastic Stack SIEM

Ichsan Yudhianto


Increased public activity in cyberspace (Internet) during the Covid-19 pandemic has also increased cybercrime cases with various attack targets, including E-Government services. Cybercrime is hidden and occurs unnoticed in E-Government, so handling it is challenging for all government agencies. The characteristics of E-Government are unique and different from other service systems in general, requiring extra anticipation for the prevention and handling of cybercrime attack threats. This research proposes log and event data analysis to detect cybercrime in e-Government using System Information and Event Management (SIEM). The main contribution of this research is a simple, fast, and accurate cybercrime detection process in the e-Government environment by increasing the level of log and event data analysis with the SIEM approach. SIEM technology based on machine learning and big data is implemented with Elastic Stack. The implemented technique can be used as a mitigation program against cybercrime threats that often attack and target e-Government. With simple, accurate, and fast cybercrime detection, it is expected to improve e-Government security and increase public confidence in public services organized by government agencies.


Security; Cybercrime Detection; SIEM; Log Analysis; E-Government; Elastic Stack

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