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Wahid, Agus Nur
Wahyuda, Tri
Wahyudi, Tri
Wahyuni, Revita
Wahyuningsih, Riska
Wani, Amanda Setia
Warman, Adytia
Wibowo, Muhammad
Wicaksono, Agung
Widiantoro, Andreas Gunawan, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tanjungpura (Indonesia)
Wijaya, Dwi Latkar
Wildani, Aditya Rizky
Wiranto, Yudhi
Wirawan, Aditiya Doni
Wiyono, Rohmat
Wongso, Dio Suseno
Wulandari, Nuria
1 - 18 of 18 Items
Editorial Office/Publisher Address:
Editor Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology (J3EIT), Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura,
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak 78124, Indonesia
Support Contact:
website : http://jurnal.untan.ac.id/index.php/j3eituntan
email : j3eit@untan.ac.id
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Information Technology by Universitas Tanjungpura is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0