
Dr. Ikhsanudin: Conference Chair, Convenor and Editor-in-Chief


As the conference chair, convenor, and chief editor of this conference, I would like to express my gratitude to all parties that have supported and contributed to the success of The 1st International Conference on English Language Teaching Research and Practices. The conference was organized by The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN) of West Kalimantan Chapter on June 1stand 2nd, 2022 and was fully supported and supervised by the Central Board of TEFLIN. To publicize the conference we use an official website and an email: The information provided in the website was boosted and updated in several accounts in Facebook and WhatsApp. 

Our complete version of acknowledgment mentions the parties and persons that were involved as the organizers, sponsors, international advisers, editor-in-chief, international editors, reviewers, keynote speakers, plenary speakers, featured speakers, accepted/parallel speakers, master of ceremony, moderators, and secretariat & IT support. All the parties that we mention in the acknowledgement are the same as the parties that we mention in the statement of the conference that we have issued earlier in a one-page separate PDF document that contains a QR-code signature linked to this proceedings. The complete acknowledgement is in PDF format and can be downloded from the link available below.   

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