Pengaruh Pengalaman Konsumen dan Citra Merek Lokal terhadap Minat Berkunjung Ulang dengan Kepuasan Konsumen sebagai Variabel Mediasi (Studi pada pelanggan warung kopi dengan brand lokal di Kota Pontianak)



This reseach is conducted to find out the effect of consumer experience variables, local brand image, and customer satisfaction on revisit intention to a coffee shop with a local brand in Pontianak. This research is included in descriptive research with survey method. The type of research used in this research is causal associative research, and data collection techniques are through distributing questionnaires through the google from application. The population in this study were all consumers who had visited coffee shops with local brands in Pontianak City such as Aming Coffe, Asiang Kopi, and Bang Edi Coffee. The number of samples in this study was 100 respondents. Sampling was conducted using non-probability sampling techniques with purposive sampling method and analysis tools, namely path analysis (path analysis).

The results showed that the variables of consumer experience, local brand image, and customer satisfaction significantly influence the interest in a repeat visit. The ability of these three variables in explaining their influence on the behavior of revisiting interest was 55.9% while the remaining 44.1% was explained by other factors outside the research model.


Keywords: Consumer experience, local brand image, customer satisfaction, revisit intention.



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