Pengaruh Perceived Quality Terhadap Loyalitas pengguna handphone Bersistem Oprasi Android (Studi Kasus Pada Pengguna handphone Bersistem Oprasi Android Di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak)

Tri Eko Prastio B11108182


In the daily activities, people can not be separated from communication, whether it is directly or indirectly. One of the communication tools that used by many people today is handphone. Handphone has so many brands, kinds, and models. Now, beside for communication, handphone has another functions like watching video, reading e-mail, playing games and many others. All of those functions can be applied because of the operating system. From the operating systems likes Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Symbian, Windows, and others, Android is the most operating system that people used now. That is why Android operating system has a good image in their users mind because its simplicity, interesting displays, and has more than 700.000 applications that can help the users in optimalize the functions of their handphone. This study aims to analyze the impact of perceived qualityto create loyalitas on handphone with Android operating system.

The information and data in this study is collected by filling the questioner which given to respondents in Economy Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak area. The respondents in this study were they who used handphone with Android operating system. They are students, employees or staffs, and the lectures, as the total is 85 respondents. The analysis method which used in this data collecting is multiple linear analysis, validitas, reabilitas, using SPSS 16.0.

. Based on this research, the result shows that the variable perceived quality for loyalty of the validity test is valid, while the reliability test has a number above 0.6 which means the data is reable, and for the result of multiple linear test, the equation is Y = 7.368 +0, 433X1

Key words : perceived quality, loyalitas


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