Analisis Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Perangkat Desa Pada Kantor Desa Mungguk Kecamatan Ngabang Kabupaten Landak

Hermanto B31109088


The title of this research is The Influence Analysis of Motivation Towards Job Satisfaction Of Mungguk Villages Officers at Ngabang Sub-District Landak District. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the motivation and job satisfaction and how big the effect of motivation towards job satisfaction of staffat the Village Officeat Mungguk Village, Ngabang Sub-District, Landak Regency.

This research is a descriptive and causality research, using survey method and primary and secondary data sampling method. Sampling method is conducted by doing census with 38 respondent as a samples research. Analysis technique that used is descriptive analysis and regression analysis by using multiple regression to analyze the effect of independent variables that is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation towards dependent variable that is job satisfaction.

Based on the descriptive test results the intrinsic motivation factor has average value of 3,83(high), extrinsic motivation factor has anaverage value of 3,01 (high) and job satisfaction has average value of 3,29 (high). Data collection tools such asquestion naires was test using the validity and reliability method, from the processing of the data, validity values >0,3 and reliability value of intrinsic motivation variable is 0,744, extrinsic motivation 0,745 and job satisfaction 0,776, which means all coefficients alpha cronbanch variable are positive and reliability values is ??>0,6 so it can be concluded that all the variable are reliable. Statistics performed using 3 test, the normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. From the regression results can be seen simultaneously influence that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation factors have a significant influenceon job satisfaction of the village staffwith a significance value of 0,012and0,001 for significance value 0,012 and 0,001 <0,05. Partial effect can be seen from the comparison betweent count and table which is 2,649 and 3,501 <12,69 and significant of 0,012 and 0,001 <0,05, the Ho accepted and Ha rejected. It means that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation factors partially has a significant effec on job satisfaction of staffat the Village Officeat Mungguk Village, Ngabang Sub-District, Landak Regency


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