The study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of the Regional Goods and Assets Management Information System (SIMBADA) at the Regional Financial Board of Pontinak City. The data collection technique used by the researchers was an interview method using 1 key informant, namely employees in the area of regional assets at the Pontianak City Regional Financial Agency (BKD) as a sample. While the data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis and SWOT analysis. The results of this study are that there are factors that help in the effectiveness of using SIMBADA, namely having applications that can only be accessed by employees as users so as to minimize the occurrence of incorrect data entry making it a SIMBADA strength in regional asset management, and there are opportunities, namely SIMBADA provides optimization in management of Regional Property (BMD) at the Regional Financial Agency (BKD). The inhibiting factor in the effectiveness of using SIMBADA is the lack of an adequate system. Meanwhile, the threat is that there is a recording of regional assets that is not carried out properly. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the use of SIMBADA in the Pontianak City regional financial agency (BKD) is considered to be effective.
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