The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect the quality of financial statements of SMEs on the amount of credit received by using several indicators, such as education level, education background, size of business, age of business and the influence of information and the socialization of SAK EMKM to the willingness of entrepreneurs in adopting SAK EMKM in their financial statements. Data is collected through the questionnaire distribution from 100 respondents who run their business in the city of Pontianak and also data collected through the questionnaire from 6 investors consisting of 5 banking institutions and 1 non-banking institution.
The results showed that Model 1 hypothesis on the education level and business size had an effect on the perceptions of entrepreneurs regarding the quality of financial statements in their businesses. Educational background and age of business had not positive influence on the perception of entrepreneurs regarding the quality of financial statements in their businesses. Model 2 hypothesis type of business and business size shows no effect on bank credit for MSMEs in Pontianak while the hypothesis of the quality of financial reports had an affects on bank credit received by MSMEs. Model 3 shows that the prospect of the willingness of MSMEs in applying the SAK EMKM to improving the quality of MSME financial statements hasn’t achieved optimally. Considering that the understanding of MSME entrepreneurs is still very low in the contents of the SAK EMKM.
Keywords: Education level, Educational background, Business size, Age of business, Quality of financial statements, information and socialization of SAK EMKM.
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