The research investigated the result of whether implementing Instagram as a teaching media was effective in teaching students writing descriptive text or not. This was pre-experimental research with one group pre-test and post-test design. There were 30 students of the year - 10 Tata Niaga learning group who participated in this research. The data were collected by objective test and analyzed by t-test and effect size formula. According to the research findings, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, while the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. The obtained t-value (3.615) was bigger than the critical value of r (1.699) by the degree of freedom 29. The effect size was categorized as a strong effect since the ES value was 0.65 and bigger than 0.6. Everything considered, teaching writing descriptive text through Instagram, is significant and effective to year – 10 of “SMK Panca Bhakti” in Academic Year 2018/2019.
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