A continuously operating transformer will inevitably undergo a temperature rise, with the iron core and copper coil as the primary sources of heat generation. The maximum temperature occurring in these components, also known as the hottest spot temperature, is the hottest point. It is essential to maintain a regular flow of temperature within safe limits to prevent any damage. The objective of this study is to estimate the remaining life of the distribution transformer at Tanjungpura University by analyzing its life shrinkage under JTM 20 kV's ambient temperature and loading conditions. To achieve this, transformer loading and top oil temperature were measured for one week. The Montsinger equation was utilized for calculating the transformer aging rate, while a service life of 20 years was assumed as per IEC 60354. Based on findings from research conducted at 4 locations, it was observed that the transformer experiences varying loads with temperature increases exclusively on weekdays from Monday to Friday. The age shrinkage values for each transformer were as follows: 0.0728 p.u, 0.0493 p.u, 0.0044 p.u, and 0.0043 p.u. Considering these research outcomes, the estimated remaining lifespan of the Tanjungpura University distribution transformer is long, and the transformer is in good condition.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26418/telectrical.v1i3.73899
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