Rico Kurniawan Silaban, Leonardus Sandy Ade Putra, Neilcy Tjahjamooniarsih


This research aims to analyze Quality of Service (QoS) parameters on cellular networks using four providers by measuring throughput, packet loss, delay and jitter parameters when conducting Video Streaming and Online Games using the Wireshark application. The research method involves direct measurement of QoS parameters in several strategic locations in Punggur Kecil village, data was taken at three different location points with a distance comparison of ±500 meters. From all the recapitulations of QoS parameter measurement results, it can be concluded that the value of each QoS parameter can vary for each package which includes the categories poor, medium, good and very good because the bandwidth received by each provider is different. The cause of high and low values of different QoS parameters, Throughput is caused by the number of packet arrivals measured during the observation process, Packet Loss is caused by the number of queues exceeding capacity, Delay is caused by low Throughput values and the number of packets sent, while the Jitter value is influenced by the Delay value. The results obtained are that the Indosat provider is the recommended provider when carrying out Video Streaming and Online Games, because the Quality of Service value produced is superior to other providers. The average values of the Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay and Jitter parameters at each location for the Indosat provider are respectively 796kbps, 2.63%, 22.6ms and 22.6ms. Provider XL is 708kbps, 1.67%, 12.6ms, and 12.6ms. Provider Telkomsel 667kbps, 0.33%. 55.9ms, and 56ms. As well as the Smartfren provider 50kbps, 0.38%, 102.6ms, and 102.7ms.


Quality of Service; Providers; Mobile Network; Streaming Videos; Online Game

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