Tanjungpura Journal of Coaching Research, peer-reviewed journal (online) published by Universitas Tanjungpura, which was founded in 2023 and regularly published online. It publishes articles of a high standard on various aspects of the sport coaching. The e-journal provides free and open access to all of its content on our website.
All articles in this Volume 1 issue 3 articles were authored/co-authored by 34 authors. The authors of the Tanjungpura Journal of Coaching Research come from 11 countries including: (Indonesia, Spain, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China, Italy, Brazil, United States, United Arab Emirates, Philippines).
Table of Contents
Julian Dewantara, Rina Yuniana, Olga Stefanska, Joanna Michalina Jurek
Hafiz Mahesvi, Yustinus Sukarmin, Bernadeta Suhartini, Peter Bartik, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Hafiz Muhammad Adil
Dina Agustina, Cerika Rismayanthi, Sumaryanti Sumaryanti, Rina Yuniana, Sigit Nugroho, Muhammad Daffa Haidar, Ziyu Wang, Michael Murgolo
Claudio Lopes Simplicio, Joseph Purita, William Murrell, Gabriel Silva Santos, Rafael Gonzales dos Santos, José Fábio Santos Duarte Lana
Jefrio Demitrimus Nubatonis, Sulistiyono Sulistiyono, Muhamad Husein, Irvan Septianto, Salmon Runesi, Dwi Manna Nazmi Zakiah, Julian Dewantara, Jihan Azrina, Syahrizal Islam, Vince Louisse D. Salacup